Here’s a minor
puzzle. One the one hand, people make judgments all the time—making judgments,
we can say, is part of what it means to be human. On the other hand, (some)
people think that being judgmental is a bad thing; “You’re being judgmental” or
“You’re judging me” is an accusation of sorts. How do we resolve this tension? To
state the obvious, we can resolve it neither by claiming that being judgmental
is always okay nor that it is never okay, because, clearly, sometimes it is
okay and sometimes it is not. We need to resolve the tension in some other way.
But first some
ground clearing is necessary.
What are some
examples of making judgments? Here are some: “The view from here is astounding.”
“This painting is vibrant.” “Wolves are majestic animals.” “He is a
compassionate doctor.” “She is a strict teacher.” “He is a petty man.” “She is
an odious person.” Because accusations of being judgmental tend to be retorts
to judgments made about human beings, I will confine the rest of the discussion
to them; let’s call them “human judgments,” by which I mean judgments made
about human beings (usually made by human beings, though the God of the Jews
and the Muslims provides a paramount example to the contrary). The last four
examples in this paragraph are examples of such judgments.
Human judgments
can be moral: “You are cruel”; “he is generous”; “she is a decent person”; “I
am selfish.” They can be psychological (though these can mix with the moral): “He
is such an anxious person”; “she’s a hot mess”; “John is very timid”; “I’m a
claustrophobe”; “you’re always happy!” They can be practical (though these can
mix with the moral and the psychological): “Martha is easy going”; “I love how
spontaneous you are”; “Theresa is always happy to help.” They can be aesthetic
(these can mix with sexual judgments and ones about health): “He’s a very
attractive man”; “she’s gorgeous”; “he’s fat”; “I’m very skinny.”
Human judgments
can be global or local, meaning that they can be about a person overall or
about something the person does at a specific time or on a specific occasion.
For example, “Elena is mean spirited” and “Paolo is hot” are global judgments;
they concern Elena and Paolo as persons. But “Elena is being petty” and “Paolo
is looking hot today” are local if Elena is not a petty person and Paolo is
usually mediocre looking. Note that global and local judgments cut across all
the above types.
continuing, I want to note and set aside one point, which is that contrary to what
all the examples given so far might falsely imply, making judgments need not be
direct or through speech. One can indirectly make a judgment by looking at the
bottle of wine that is on the table in a friend’s house and then asking the
friend, “How much of that are you drinking every day?” And one can non-verbally
make a judgment, as with a sneer, a look, a grunt, a sigh. One can make a
judgment by not looking at someone.
And to all these ways of making judgments, the other can respond by saying, “Do
not judge me,” “You’re being judgmental,” or “Stop judging me!”
My interest is
in all the above types, especially the moral, psychological, and aesthetic, in
both their local and global forms. The main reason is that accusations of being
judgmental are not confined to any one type of the above. To explain: suppose
that X judges Y to be A (whatever A is). For Y
(or someone else) to turn and meaningfully accuse X of being judgmental, X’s
original judgment could have been global or local, and it could have been of
any of the above types (moral, aesthetic, psychological, and so on). Whether X judges Y to be petty, fat, a hot mess, or difficult, Y can come back and accuse X
of being judgmental. The accusation of being judgmental can be about just any
type of judgment.
(In what
follows, X refers to the person
making the initial judgment, and Y is
the person retorting with something like, “Don’t judge” or “You’re being
judgmental.” Of course, others can retort in the same ways on behalf of Y, but I will set this aside to keep the
discussion manageable.)
But there are
exceptions. Typically, accusations of being judgmental do not occur when the
original judgments are positive. We do not usually retort to X saying, “Stop being so judgy” after X has declared (in earnest) that Y is beautiful, sweet, easy going, or
compassionate. Typically, accusations of being judgmental occur when the
judgment is negative.
I will then restrict
my discussion to negative judgments.
I will also
restrict it to true negative
judgments, because what is interesting about the accusation that one is being
judgmental is found not in those cases when the judgment is false but when the
judgment is true (this is not to deny that retorting, “You’re being judgmental”
can be perfectly apt in cases of false negative judgments). That is, the
interesting question is not, “Given that X’s
judgment of Y is false, how can the
accusation that X is being judgmental
be meaningful or true?” but, “Given that X’s
judgment of Y is true, how can the
accusation that X is being judgmental
be meaningful or true?” We want to know what it means to accuse X of being judgmental in those cases
when X’s judgments are true, because
we want to see how one can both issue a true negative judgment yet still commit
the specific type of wrong of being judgmental.
(I will not
dignify with a response the objection that there are no true negative judgments
on the grounds that truth is subjective or relative, except to say that since
people can be—and many are—petty, a hot mess, anxious, mean, cruel, and so on,
then to judge them to be so when they are
so is to issue true negative
Making judgments
is a necessary part of human life. Without making judgments, parents cannot
raise their kids, employers cannot promote or demote employees, friends cannot
ameliorate their friendships, lovers cannot become better (as lovers), and
moralists cannot be critical of morally deficient individuals (and societies). Not
only do human beings rely on making judgments to get on with the business of
life, but they need to make judgments to flourish—more often than not we need to
know how to proceed, how to shape and continue with our lives, and critical
judgments help us with that. It is the way we live and improve.
Moreover, we cannot
rely only on our own judgments of ourselves; we need others to make judgments about us because we have limited knowledge
of ourselves and because we have the tendency to think of ourselves as better
than we actually are. So we need a critical eye on ourselves, and sometimes
others are in a better position than we are to provide it (even if they can do
so from less than noble motives and even if their judgments can be erroneous).
If we want to be
better human beings, we then need others
to judge us. We need their critical eye.
But in all this
judging (and I am still confining the discussion to true negative judgments),
there are those cases in which one is also being judgmental. That is, there are
cases in which X judges Y to be clingy and X is not being judgmental
in so judging Y, and there are cases
in which X judges Y to be clingy in which X is
being judgmental in so judging Y. So in
which types of cases of making judgments can one also be judgmental? In which
types of cases can making judgments be morally off in that specific way that “being
judgmental” tries to capture and express?
One can be accused
of being judgmental for various reasons. Consider the possible reasons for why Y accuses X of being judgmental after X
has accused Y of being, say, weak.
(1) Y might simply not want to be
criticized, so Y’s retort is to stop X in X’s
tracks or even to attempt to level the moral playing field with X (by in turn accusing X of having failed, specifically, of
having been judgmental). (2) Y could
be objecting to X’s manner of making
the judgment, such that in judging Y,
X is very abrupt or blunt, or lacking
in sympathy, empathy, or compassion. (3) Y
could be telling X that it is not X’s place to judge Y: that X is not Y’s friend, parent, psychiatrist, doctor,
or that, more generally, X lacks the
moral ground to make such a judgment. (4) Y
can be telling X that instead of
judging Y, X should have been doing something else, such as showing sympathy
or empathy. (5) Y can be telling X that X’s motives in judging Y
are not proper: that X is out to
demean Y, to tell Y that Y is contemptuous, and so on. (6) Y can be telling X that X’s judgment of Y blames Y for who Y is or for what Y has done, for having reached that point in Y’s life when Y is being
weak, whereas X is wrong to blame Y. And (7) Y can be telling X that X is wrong to think that Y could have acted non-weakly. (Of
course, Y could be saying one or more
of these.)
I will emphasize
the last three, focusing more on (6) and (7) than on (5).
(5) states that
making judgments can come from good and bad attitudes (a good or bad “place”),
and when the attitudes are bad, the judger can be rightly accused of being
judgmental. This is especially the case, I think, when the attitudes take the
one being judged to be contemptuous or deserving of scorn. This nicely explains
the rejection of the judgment. So when X
says to an overweight Y, “You’re
eating too much,” that judgment, if coming from X’s attitude that overweight people are low or contemptuous, is
rejection-able—it can merit the response, “Stop judging me.”
To be clear, not
all such responses are actually merited. Consider the following case. Brant and
Grant are colleagues. Grant is a despicable person who always reports his
colleagues to human resources. He’s a busy-body who derives tremendous pleasure
from seeing his colleagues get called into HR. Once, Grant reports Tom to HR
for having taken home a stapler even though Tom returned it the next day (he
used it at home for work purposes) and even though Grant knew this. Upon realizing
what Grant has done, Brant says to him, “You’re a scumbag.” Grant responds, “Don’t
judge me.”
In this case,
Grant’s retort is not merited, because even though Brant regards Grant with
contempt, the contempt is deserved. So while it is understandable why Grant
would retort in the way that he does, his retort is not justified.
Compare the
above case with this: Cat and Matt work together. Cat dislikes Matt. She thinks
he is contemptible because he is often disheveled and does not shower every
day. So even though Matt should work on his hygiene, he does not deserve to be
viewed with contempt. One day, Cat passes him in the coffee room and she says
to him, “Dude. You stink!” Matt retorts, “Don’t judge me!” In this case his
retort is justified: he can sense Cat’s underlying contemptuous attitude and he
shoots back with that response.
While true in
some cases, the resort to underlying attitudes of contempt or some such similar
attitude does not explain other cases—those in which the attitude is not
contemptuous yet the retort of “You’re being judgmental” is understandable and might
be merited. This is where (6) and (7) come in.
(6) claims that the
judgment is rejected as being judgmental because it is deemed to be laying culpable
blame on the judged person; it accuses the judged person of having failed in
some respect and in such a way that had the person made better choices in the
past, he or she would not have failed in the present. So when someone rejects
the judgment, they are in effect saying that the judgment is based on lack of
proper knowledge of the situation of the judged person. So, for example, when X judges Y to be eating too much, Y’s
retort of “Stop judging me,” is short for, “You don’t know why I am overweight.
If you knew my history, you would not have said what you did.”
Now consider
(7), which states that in the present Y
could have acted otherwise than Y did:
if X judges Y to be eating too much, X
is saying that, now, Y did not need
to be eating too much. If X judges Y to be weak, X is saying that now Y
could be displaying strength instead. (7) differs from (6) in that it does not
dip into Y’s past to support the
judgment, whereas (6) does. Moreover, in (6), X need not be saying anything about what Y could be doing now, only that what Y is doing now is explained by Y’s
past failures.
In both types of
cases, Y relies on X’s not having sufficient information to
accuse X of being judgmental. In (6),
Y says to X that X does not know
what has occurred in Y’s life to
justify making the judgment that X
made. In (7), Y says to X that X does not know what is going on in Y’s mind now to justify making the judgment that X made. (In both types of cases, Y might also be saying to X, as an implication of X’s lack of sufficient information, “If
you were in my shoes you might have done the same, so don’t judge me.”)
The point about
insufficient information explains what goes on in many cases in which the
judged person responds the way that he or she does. Halting X by saying “Do not judge” seems to
mean, “You’re not in my shoes so you don’t know what I know, so cease and
desist.” But if this is correct, there is a crucial question to ask: Is Y saying that the judgment itself is
erroneous or is Y saying that X should not have made it? If the
latter, how would that make sense in light of the fact that the judgment is
In some cases,
it is the former. But the interesting ones are the latter, because these are
the ones in which X is being
judgmental despite that the judgment is true. Y can be understood as saying that X should not have issued the judgment, even if it is a true
judgment, because it is issued in a spirit of judging without sufficient
information or knowledge. That is, Y
is accusing X of not merely stating a
fact, but of doing so in an epistemically irresponsible way, by not relying on
enough information, whether the information pertains to the past or to the
Consider two
cases in which X says to Y, “You’re so petty!” In both cases,
what X says is true. In one case, X just describes what he thinks Y is, with no additional assumptions
made about why Y is petty. But in the
other case, X says it with the
intention to communicate something more, namely, the message that Y’s being petty is Y’s fault, and that Y
could have acted in a non-petty way either because Y could have made different choices in the past that would have
changed Y’s action in the present
(this is point [6]), or that Y could
have now, in the present, chosen a different course of action (this is point [7]).
It is in these types of cases in which the retort, “Don’t judge me” makes most
sense, because it is here that Y
rejects X’s judgment on the basis of
its not being well-established.
We should not
confuse two claims with each other. It is one thing for Y to be culpable for Y’s
actions or character. This is not at issue. But it is another thing—and this is at issue—for X to convey X’s belief in
this culpability. It is the true-judgment-wrapped-in-blaming that Y rejects. Y says, in effect, “Had you known my story (reasons, excuses,
explanations) or had access to my mind, you would not have judged me in the way
that you did.”
Note that in
these rejections, there could also be a component of accusing X of lacking empathy or compassion. But
in the types of cases I just explained, the rejection is not primarily based on
X’s lack of empathy. It is based
mostly on lack of access to sufficient information on which X should have based X’s judgment. In these types of cases (as opposed to that in type
[2] above), when there is an accusation of lack of empathy or compassion, it is
because Y wishes to say that had X bothered to know more, X would have been empathetic or
The above says
nothing about whether Y’s retort in
the above cases is justified. It is tempting to think that it is justified
because, we want to say, surely it is plausible that we should not be making
judgments before knowing all the facts. But this is not true. (As a reminder,
the judgments being made are true ones.) We rarely make judgments on the basis
of full information (that might not be possible), so the issue is making
judgments on the basis of relevant information. And here, things get tricky,
because on the one hand we do want to give the people who are being judged some
leeway in deciding what is relevant information, but, on the other hand, people
often don’t like to be criticized, and they can suffer from cutting themselves
too much slack when it comes getting themselves off the culpability hook
(people can go in the opposite direction and be too hard on themselves). There
is no principled way to decide this question, and it is best left to a
case-by-case discussion. But the point is that there could be cases that fit
the following conditions: (a) X judges
Y negatively and truly; (b) Y shoots back that X is being judgmental; and this is because (c) X lacks sufficient or relevant information to be judging Y; (d) Y is right that X lacks
sufficient or relevant information to make the judgment; (e) yet X is justified in making it, and (f) Y’s accusing X of being judgmental is not justified (keep in mind that there can
be cases in which both [e] and the opposite of [f] are true).
Consider the
following case to illustrate the point. Sarah meets one of her boyfriend’s
friends, Josh, for the first time on a camping trip with a bunch of other
friends. Over the course of a long weekend, she has a chance to observe Josh
interacting with others, and she comes to the conclusion that he is so competitive
when playing games that he gets angry and spoils things for everyone. On the
last day of the trip, he throws a hissy fit about some game or other, at which
point she says to him, “You’re very mean-spirited. Relax. This is just a game.”
He retorts, “I’ve been noticing the way you look at me, judging me with your
eyes. Please stop that. You barely know me.” Suppose that Josh, had he put in
some effort, could have controlled his behavior on the trip (he has done it
before on a few occasions). Given all this, Sarah’s opinion of Josh, though
formed over a period of only three days, is true (sometimes, you can know
people very quickly—it’s not that hard, believe me). Josh is also right that
Sarah barely knows him. Yet he is wrong to accuse her of being judgmental. She
might have been unwise in voicing her opinion of Josh, but this is a different
wrong than being judgmental.
Making judgments
is perfectly human, necessary, and good, but sometimes the judger is met by the
response that he is being judgmental. I have attempted in this post to make
sense of some of the reasons that people have when they respond in that way. I
do not intend the explanations of the reasons to be an empirical explanation of
what goes on in the minds of the Y’s
of the world, though in some cases I’m sure it is. Instead, I intend the explanations
to be three ways (among others) of making sense of the rejections of judgement-making—they
are reconstructions, so to speak, of the reasons that can motivate the
rejections. Moreover, I have argued that not every time someone accuses a
judger of being judgmental, the accusation is justified. Sometimes it is, and
sometimes it is not.
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